Moxibustion for Menstruation + Pelvic Smoke Baths 9/10

Sunday, September 10, 4-5:30pm EST on Zoom

In this workshop you will learn how to use moxibustion on yourself, at home. Please note that moxibustion is a smoke therapy and is not always ideal in some living situations. This type of practice produces a lot of smoke and can be an irritant to some members in your household or your neighbors, so please be mindful. Please also take note if you or someone in your home has a mugwort allergy. It requires the use of fire or a flame. Using moxibustion can cause burns or a fire hazard if not done correctly. Please use the same caution you employ when lighting candles, incense, cigarettes or cigars.

Moxibustion can be safely used at home with proper instruction, to help with heavy menstrual cycles, sports injuries, slow healing wounds, stiff neck, shoulder or back, frozen shoulder, certain digestive conditions, knee or ankle sprains. In this workshop, we will be focusing on using moxibustion to help with certain menstrual conditions, primarily heavy menstruation and spotting between periods. You will learn different ways to use moxibustion on the body. This workshop is especially good for those who experience: heavy periods, prolonged periods (more than 4 days of flow) or several days of spotting before a seemingly normal period, 2 periods per month and short cycles. Steamy chick alum, acupuncturists and acupuncture students are also welcome to attend —please note the class is centered around self treatment. This class is for educational purposes and is not meant to provide any medical advice. Heavy periods that are also prolonged require close monitoring and many times require more individualized care and multiple modalities of Chinese Medicine.

Investment of $65 for online workshop, digital notes and moxibustion product list, moxibustion supplies SIGN UP

sign up by 9/5 in order to receive your supplies in time for the workshop

International attendees can contact me directly for sign up.

This workshop will NOT be recorded as it will be a space to attendees to speak openly about menstrual cycle difficulties and other issues we might be going through. There are no refunds for no shows.


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