五行 - 5 Elements in Chinese Medicine

五行 Wǔ Xíng - 5 Phases or 5 Elements

This is such a popular topic in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). There is something about categorizing to accord with nature that people are drawn to. The Wu Xing or ‘5 Phases’ is a system of associating five states in their mutually generative and controlling cycles of relationships. When we use the term ‘phases’ over ‘elements’ it is to emphasize aspects of change or movements that occur between the elements. This system has been used in politics, social theory, military strategy and in medicine. In Medicine, the Wu Xing is used to describe metabolic processes and links organ functions, their relationships with one another and metabolic interaction.

I have recently talked more about the elements and how they show up in peoples personalities so here is a quick summary guide.

Things to note before we get into it: We all have aspects of all of the elements! For some people a singular element can seem much more prominent but most people they will have more mixed presentations. In Chinese Medicine, we also consider the aspects and tendencies you was born with and inherit as well how those things might remain or change as you age and experience life.


Wood accords to the aspects of us that reach up and out just like the way branches of a tree grows. Wood is also associated with the Liver and Gallbladder organs, the emotion of anger or uprush and the tendons and ligaments of the body. Wood people like to take charge. They’re confident and can be natural leaders. They enjoy challenges because they have a competitive nature. They can be impatient and like things to move quickly. They enjoy having a purpose. When in balance they have very good self discipline. Wood people tend to have athletic or lanky builds. If they’re prevented from doing what they want, they can be prone to anger and frustration. A wood person’s voice can easily become shouting without them realizing it!


Photo by Pixabay

Fire is the part of you that holds passion. It’s associated with the Heart, Small Intestine, San Jiao and Pericardium organs, blood circulation and blood vessels. Fire’s main emotion is joy. Fire people tend to be more extroverted. They are playful, flirtatious, charismatic, show-offs. A fire person is the life of the party because they love excitement and have the ability to draw others into them. They like to be around others and like physical contact. They love beautiful things and people and thrive off of other’s attention. They can be prone to over exerting themselves or taking their playfulness too far because they sometimes lack proper self-restraint. They tend to have heart-shaped faces, small hands and feet, muscular backs.


Earth represents being centered. It’s that part of us that seeks balance. It is associated with the Spleen and Stomach organs, the flesh and muscles of the body. It’s emotion is worry. Earth people have a heavy, grounding energy about them. They tend to be sweet natured and nurturing people. They exhibit loyalty, security, reliability and they seek the same in others. They are dependable people and like to take care of others. Earth people don’t do well with being overworked or overexerted. They tend to be pensive and can also be prone to overthinking or worrying. They seek harmony and calmness. Earth people will often show rounder features in their face and body. Sometimes they walk with heavy steps or drag their feet. Their voice often has a sing-song quality to it.


Metal represents the part of you that cutting away what no longer serves you. It’s associated with the Lung and Large intestine organs, the skin and the body hair. It’s emotion is grief. Metal people have clear voices. They speak from their throat or can have a ‘radio announcer’ quality to their voice. They like structure, schedules, order, reason, principles. They can be extremely organized people. They are often early or on-time for appointments, stick to traditions and usually have clean, neat appearances. Manners and politeness are often important to metal people. Metals speak their mind and can come across as blunt or passive aggressive, but it is because they like clear communication and and to be upfront. They are also the type of people that can easily sever ties in relationships when they’ve been hurt or wronged. Metal people can be perceived as cool or insensitive but it is often because they enact boundaries and are protecting their own feelings. They can have square or angular features, wide shoulders.


Water represents the deepest parts of us. It is associated with the Kidneys and the Bladder, and the bones. It’s emotion is fear or caution, which is why Water people tend to be cautious but can sometimes be overly fearful. They will take longer to get to know you, because they don’t trust others at first. Water tends to be slower moving and they don’t like to be rushed. Their movements are fluid-like and they tend to have strong bone structures and long torsos. They are more introspective and quiet people. They are thoughtful, clever and self-sufficient. They seek knowledge and understanding. They can be cynical or pessimistic due to their tendency for being cautious. Water people can appear enigmatic because they keep a lot of things about themself hidden or private. They are often perceived as cold or hard due to them being more private people.

If you’re interested in hearing more about 5 element patterns in people and relationships follow me and Dr. Tamsin Lee on instagram where we will hold a weekly IG Live talk called No Spoilers, Spoilers Club. We discuss TCM patterns we see in the different shows we have been watching! Replays are available on our instagram feeds. Mostly true crime but always for fun.

Another way of looking at the Five Phases is through Emotions

Written by Dr. Emily Siy, DACM, L.Ac. on 11/15/22

Images above from PEXELS by: Felix Mittermeier, Adonyi Gábor, Muffin Creatives, Dids, Sebastian Arie Voortman, Johannes Plenio, Pixabay, Rachel Claire, Achira22, Pixabay, cottonbro studio, Tima Miroshnichenko


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