5 Chinese Herbs for Coughing

5 Chinese Herbs Use For Coughing

Luo Han Guo, Monkfruit

This is not medical advice. Always work with an experienced herbalist for your individual situation.

Luo Han Guo Monk fruit. Goes to the lung and large intestine. Sweet, Neutral. This is great for a dry cough that comes with heat. Especially dry coughs that accompany dry stool or constipation. Herbs you can combine it with: tangerine peel, mint, lily bulb, poria fungus.

Wu Mei Black Plum. Goes to the liver, large intestine, lung, spleen. Sour, Astringent. This herb is used for a chronic cough, dysphagia or regurgitation. Sometimes it is accompanied by weak digestion or loose stools. This is NOT meant for exterior conditions like cold, flu, viral or bacterial infections. Do not use if you have an excess condition. Consult with an experienced herbalist if you’re not sure.

Sang Ye Mulberry Leaf. Goes to the lungs and liver. Cold, Bitter, Sweet. This is helpful with a cough that accompanies sore throat, headache and fever. Especially when accompanied by feeling heat/flushing sensation in the eyes and face, thick yellow phlegm or dry cough, dry mouth. Do not use for chronic cough, cold conditions. Combine with chrysanthemum, mint, prunella spike, loquat leaf.

Pang Da Hai, Sterculia Seed

Pi Pa Ye Loquat Leaf. Goes to the lung and stomach. Cool/Neutral, Bitter. Used in cases of dry lungs with coughing and wheezing. Can be accompanied by nausea, extreme thirst and heat, hiccup and burping. Do not use this if you have loose stools with vomiting or weak digestion. This should not be used during wind cold cough conditions. Combine with mint, reed rhizome, mulberry leaf.

Pang Da Hai Sterculia Seed. Goes to the lung and large intestine. Sweet, Cold. This is helpful for phlegmy cough with heat and loss of voice or hoarse voice. Do not use this herb when experiencing loose stools. Pair with mint for heat conditions.

Favorite Herbal Cough Products from Kamwo

These products some of the herbs mentioned in this post:

Loquat Cough Syrup, Fritillaria and Loquat Syrup, Ryukakusan Cough Drops, Children’s Loquat Syrup

Use the code ‘BLOG’ for $25 off on an initial acupuncture visit.

Written by Dr. Emily Siy, DACM, L.Ac. 1/30/23


American Dragon Website, Dr. Joel Penner


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