5 Home Remedies for Sports Injuries That You Can Use Instead of Ice!

Have you been icing your sports injuries?! WELL STOP DOING THAT NOW! Icing might be ok for the first 24 hrs of injury but beyond that, is it really helping? Constricting circulation can help when there is swelling and inflammation but don’t forget that the inflammatory process is also a process of healing. Icing and cold in general, freezes the circulation. When you want something to heal, encouraging circulation is a better strategy. Chinese Medicine offers a lot of products that can help with sports injuries because martial arts training is a huge part of the medicine. I hope this short list can help you put icing to rest. All products listed here are for external use ONLY. Do not apply these products if you have broken skin, rash or and open wound. Use the products as directed on the packaging.

*Please note that this is not medical advice and is only for educational purposes. If you have an injury that you’re not sure about please be sure to see a medical doctor and get some imaging to confirm your diagnosis.

In Chinese Medicine heat is always better over ice. Here are some great products you can use for certain situations instead of icing! This post contains affiliate links.

  1. Wu Yang Plasters

    These are plaster, patches. You can cut them to size to fit on the injury you’re using it on. These are great for foot injuries, small bone/tendon injuries. I also use them on general aches and pains especially on the back, neck or shoulders. Those who have sensitive skin should take caution in using this product as it can cause skin irritation. Do not wear for more than 4-6 hours. purchase it here

  2. Zheng Gu Shui

    This is an alcohol based liniment. I use this a lot on back pain or injuries on or around joints. This can also be used to heal bruises faster. This liniment will take you further if you warm it up before applying it and/or using it with some other form of heat therapy. I recommend placing the bottle in a bowl of hot water for 5 min before applying it. If you practice full contact martial arts, you’ll want to keep this in your gym bag! purchase it here

  3. Tiger Balm

    Did you know there are two types of Tiger Balm? Go with Red if you’re experiencing cold pain - stiffness, loss of range of motion. Go with White if you’re experiencing swelling or too much inflammation, your injury is warm to the touch. It works better if you massage it in. I recommend keeping both types on hand, especially if you don’t have access to an Asian pharmacy or market that carries the other items on this list. purchase it here

4. Po Sum On

This is great for any aches and pains and works similarly to Tiger Balm red but has slightly stronger herbs in it. This is an oil based liniment so a little goes a long way. Use this on muscle injuries, stiff neck, pulled muscles. I recommend it for those times when you throw your back out from sneezing or when you’ve woken up with a stiff neck. This works better when massaged in. For runners, great for pulled muscles! purchase it here

5. Herbal Tendon Soak

For those that like a good soak when they’re injured, this is for you! This product is good for sprains, strains and muscle pulls. purchase it here

Please be sure to have your injuries checked out by a medical doctor. Do not use any products that contain substances you are allergic to.

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