5 Ways Acupuncture Can Help You Emotionally

Do You Ever Think To Go To Acupuncture When You’re In Emotional Pain Or Distress?

You Should! Being an acupuncturist means I end up meeting a lot of people who are in pain. When people are in pain whether it’s emotional or physical, they are not themselves. Though people may not talk about it all the time, receiving acupuncture really helps you to be your best self, especially when you’re out of balance or feeling lost. I say this so that you know, when you come in for acupuncture you can cry, be irrationally angry, frustrated or confused and you don’t have to apologize for it. There are no wrong emotions when you’re working through what you’re working through.

While acupuncture cannot replace your therapy session it can assist you with the internal work of becoming more self aware as well as coming to terms with how you feel.

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Help You Emotionally

  1. Acupuncture calms your nervous system. If you walk in feeling distressed, upset or overwhelmed receiving acupuncture will switch off your fight or flight response.

  2. One of the ways your body can detox after acupuncture is crying. Most acupuncturists will not be surprised or uncomfortable with you letting your emotions out. It’s ok to let it out.

  3. It makes you feel safe and whole and gives you a quiet place to go inward. Sometimes the time alone helps you find clarity. I also find that for regular patients they come to my space for solace. Coming in during distressful times quells their fears.

  4. It helps you release endorphins which are your body’s natural pain killers.

  5. Endorphins also trigger a feeling of generally happiness.

Photo By Chanel Govreau Model Nia Calloway

Acupuncture Cannot Make You Love The Job You Hate Or Stop The Person You’re Dating From A Being Selfish Jerk…

BUT it can help you feel better. It can help dial down your fears so that you can focus, help you to slow down when you’re feeling overwhelmed so that you can be more clear about your decision-making.

Many of my patients know to act preventatively by scheduling appointments during times of stress. Some arrive relieved that they’ve scheduled an appointment on a day that just so happens to be bad. They’ve been holding it all in on their errands, subway ride and when they come into the room they let it all out. And this is more than ok —this is what you come here to do.

The best thing about letting it all out is, you get the time to lay down, rest, reflect, sleep, forget, whatever it is you need to do during that time alone. I always see it in people’s eyes after they get up from this deep and meaningful rest. It doesn’t mean all problems are solved, but after their treatment, they look back at me in a way that shows me they have not let their problems get the best of them. That they are strong and ready to face it. Acupuncture boosts your immune system. Your immunity is your biological ability to thrive whether it be through getting sick, injured or being affected by emotional distress. I love seeing my community THRIVE.

Please note: Acupuncture is not psychotherapy. It is a place to come to feel safe and cared for but you should not replace your therapy with acupuncture. If you’re in need of a local therapist visit Steady NYC for more info.

By Emily Grace Siy, L.Ac.


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