5 Natural Options For Hair Loss

Hair Loss is something that I am seeing occur much more frequently in the last two years. Some of this hair loss occurs with COVID-19 recovery but for some who have not contracted it seems to occur due to the chronic stress of the living in a pandemic. Because more people are talking about it, those who have struggled with it in the past feel more open to speaking about it. Hair loss can be a really overwhelming and frightening thing to experience. It is emotional for many and affects one’s confidence and self esteem. There are safe and natural long-term options out there that are effective. This post should not be taken as medical advice. In Chinese Medicine, each person should be considered uniquely and therefore a consultation is recommended. Please don’t take anything without checking with your primary care provider first!

Some Common Types of Hair Loss

Androgenic Alopecia occurs when there are higher levels of testosterone in the body. Some of the testosterone converts to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes the hair follicles to weaken, fall out and sometimes stop growing. When there is more DHT present, there will be more hair loss. This type of hair loss tends to increase with age and with hormonal changes.

Alopecia Areata occurs as patches of hair loss, as the name implies. This is considered an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks the hair follicles in clumps. This condition is considered unpredictable and believed to be genetic. Those who have autoimmune conditions such as hypothyroidism, lupus, anemia or skin conditions can be more likely to suffer from this type of hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium is when stress causes hair roots to be prematurely pushed into their inactive state causing thinning or sudden hair loss. Sometimes this after protracted illness, a severe infection, giving birth, major surgery, emotional stress, use of certain medications, under active thyroid and/or unhealthy dieting. In these cases, hair loss can occur months afterwards but can also be chronic if a given stressful situation is ongoing. With this type of hair loss, hair regrowth is naturally occurring at the same time.

Some other conditions that cause hair loss are: tinea capitis, cicatricial alopecia, lichen planopilaris, discoid lupus erytheymatosus, folliculitis decalvans, dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, frontal fibrosing alopecia. There are also hair loss conditions that occur from products and certain hairstyling habits.

What one should note about treating hair loss naturally is that there is no quick fix. We should take into consideration the phases that hair follicles go through to get an understanding.

Anagen - growth phases, lasts 3-10 years.

Catagen - transition phase, cell division stops and melanocytes stop producing pigments, lasts 2-3 weeks

Telogen - resting phase, where hair sheds from the scalp, lasts 3-4 months

5 Natural Options For Hair Loss

  1. Microneedling

    Microneedling involves pricking of the scalp causing small wounds which stimulates hair follicles to be in their active state of growth. This is thought to encourage new and stronger re-growth. Microneedling also increases the absorption of topical products by 3000% which means having it done in conjunction with topical herbal treatments can yield better results, faster. This has been known to help with alopecia areata. Acupuncture’s mechanism of action is similar and can also be helpful for those who might be too sensitive to microneedling. You can learn more about my microneedling treatments here. If there is a constitutional deficiency, it should be addressed before using microneedling as a hair re-growth method. In these cases, herbal medicine should be used first, if accessible.

  2. Herbal Medicine

    Herbal medicine can be administered for hair loss topically and internally. Because there could be varying reasons why hair loss is occurring and taking into consideration an individual’s lifestyle, medications and unique pattern of diagnosis in East Asian Medicine, an internal herbal formula is prescribed after a comprehensive consultation process. There are many common formulas used for hair loss that show success. Please reach out for a consult if you’re interested in learning more (NY/NJ only)

  3. Topical Rosemary

    Rosemary has been shown in a 2015 study to improve hair growth at the same rate as minoxodil in those who experience androgenic alopecia. Rosemary can be applied to the scalp by making a tea, decoction, infused oil or hair spray. Please do not use rosemary essential oil directly without diluting it.

  4. Evening Primrose Oil

    Evening primrose oil (EPO) reduces inflammation, promotes healthy cell growth and reduces oxidative stress. EPO contains high levels of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is a building block for some sex hormones. Studies show that GLA can help to balance hormones while also reducing inflammation that causes swelling, stiffness and pain. EPO also contains arachidonic acid which has been shown to improve hair growth and strengthen existing hair. Be sure to check with your primary care provider to make sure that taking EPO is safe for you.

  5. Light Therapy

    Low level light therapies have shown to improve hair growth. Because natural hair re-growth occurs in phases, when hair fall occurs, some of those hair follicles are in a dormant phase for 3-4 months. Light therapy can help to prolong the anagen or active phase of hair follicles and also wake up the follicles that have gone into their dormant phase. Available in my clinic.

Photo by Julia Filirovska from Pexels

In my clinical experience, I have seen the most success when patients are more committed to their prescribed treatment plans. I know this is not always easy because results are not immediate rather it can take anywhere from 1-3 months to begin to see changes depending on the situation. Typically, I recommend a combination of microneedling, LED therapy and a topical herbal scalp spray that contains high quality rosemary and other Chinese herbs for hair re-growth. For those who are not on many medications, adding an internal herbal prescription is also a great idea.

By Dr. Emily Grace Siy, L.Ac, DACM on April 4, 2022

Photo by Enrico Martins from Pexels


Alopecia Areata, Cleveland Clinic retrieved March 31, 2022

Androgenic Alopecia, MedlinePlus Retrieved March 31, 2022

Cherney, K. Can Scalp Microneedling Regrow Your Hair? Healthline January 31, 2020

Munkhbayar, S., Jung, S., Cho, A-R., Choi, S-J., Shin, C.Y., Eun, H.E., Kim, K.H., Kwon, O. (2016) Role of Arachidonic Acid in Promoting Hair Growth, Annals of Dermatology. Feb 28 (1): 55-64

Nestor, M.S. (2020) Shedding Some Light On Hair Los, Practical Dermatology retrieved Mar 31, 2022

Panahi, Y., Taghizadeh, M., Marzony, E.T., Sahebkar, A. (2015) Rosemary oil vs minoxidil 2% for the treatment of androgenic alopecia: a randomized comparative trial, Skin Med. Jan-Feb;13 (1): 15-21

Thomas, E.A., Kadyan, R.S. (2008) Alopecia Areata and Autoimmunity: A Clinical Study, Indian Journal of Dermatology. 53(2): 70-74

Watson, K. (2019) Can Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) Really Treat Hair Loss, Heathline Updated March 8

Wong, C. (2021) What is Gamma-Linolenic Acid? Very Well health Updated Feb 21


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