5 Chinese Medicine Herbs You Can Use At Home

Radii is an independent platform for artists, writers and creators dedicated to sharing vibrant stories from the rarely explored sides of China.

“We owe a lot to the advancements of modern medicine. But Western medicine, and the shadowy figures in pharmaceutical board rooms, may be missing some of the bigger picture.

Powerful prescriptions and hands-on surgeries can be necessary — but in the long term, they can also lead to recurring symptoms, side effects, and general imbalances in the body.”

Read more about my feature by Adam Kohnhorst where I talk about some of my favorite herbs and their at home uses.

I appreciate that the writer included these quotes of mine: “Traditional Chinese Medicine doesn’t prescribe the same treatment for one condition. Instead, it’s important to discuss an individual’s unique presentation, condition, and tendencies.”

“There are misunderstandings around TCM and herbal medicine. The US has a long history of xenophobia and anti-Chinese sentiments, and it does affect how TCM is viewed in the West,” says Siy.

“The US tends to hold Western culture above others, labeling other traditional medicine systems as ‘alternative’ or non-valid forms of medicine. There are evidence-based research studies on different forms of Chinese medicine, but writers will often claim that it’s pseudoscience.”

Principles throughout holistic and herbal medicine have been backed up by modern scientific testing, however, and more connections are being discovered each day.

Read the whole article here.

Illustration by Helen Haoyi Yu


A Practitioner's Perspective At North Western Health Sciences University


What Is Gua Sha? feature on Health.com