Featured in Blood & Milk

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Promote a Healthy Menstrual Cycle, According to Acupuncturist Emily Siy

A lot of people will have fibroids or endometriosis or cysts, and it is because they tend to have very difficult periods. There are not a lot of solutions out there for them that people feel generally satisfied with. People who have those conditions will experience very painful periods, and generally experience nausea, vomiting, or having to take a day or two off from work. And those days add up; you can start to feel defeated by that and like you need a solution. The periods can be so painful that over-the-counter medications don’t do anything. A lot of the solutions these patients are given involve taking birth control, which people don’t necessarily always want to do because of the hormonal side effects. Or they are recommended surgery, which some people feel is very invasive and want to try other solutions first, so they come to acupuncture instead. Read more

Learn more about what you could be doing during the phases of your menstrual cycle to improve your period.

Written by Sara Shah for Blood & Milk


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