Closing My Doors March 16 Re: (COVID-19)

I Am Making The Decision To Close March 16…Until Further Notice

March 15, 2020

It was not a tough decision. I want us all to be safe. I am staying open for a few days this week for two reasons. 1. I received acupuncture last week and I felt a huge difference in my panicked state. It really helped me. I got sleep, I felt better. 2. These past few days I have also been able to set MANY of my people up with herbal formulas which I feel is most important to me. I want to finish this work and get formulas in people’s hands. The income loss is the least of my worries right now. Safety and health is my priority for myself, my family, friends and my community. I make very little from herbal part of my business and have been heavily discounting for my current patients. It is not a money motivated move for me to stay open for 2 more days this week. I am in a place where I will not ever know for sure if staying open would be more harm than good. I prefer to stay on the more cautious side because your safety and health is important to me.

If you have not heard my push on herbs on social media yet…HERE IT IS.

In China, it is typical to use Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine in hospitals. Customized herbal formulas can be helpful in reducing flu-like symptoms. I am in no way saying to avoid medical attention and I am not trying to sell anyone random herbs. I am a licensed acupuncturist and am certified in Chinese Herbal Medicine by the National Board. I have studied herbs and herbal formula interactions. This is a science and not a quick study. Chinese herbs are not meant to be a google search. It is about chemical reactions in your body. It is important for people to understand that. I am pushing this so much because our medical system is going to be overwhelmed. We have already seen what happened in China, Italy, South Korea. We need to not overwhelm those who are trying to help those who are sick. If you begin to have any of these symptoms in the early stages: tickle in the throat, sore throat, fatigue, body aches, fever, dry cough, headache, chills, ANY ONE symptom, not necessarily all of them. It doesn’t matter if you have a fever or not yet. Please consider reaching out to do an herbal consult and I will prescribe an herbal formula. Right now the pharmacy I work with is trying very hard to keep up with the demands and they are working around the clock to keep us all served, but there delays are now 3-5 days. Please of course seek medical attention as well. If you get sick call your doctor, ask them for their medical advice.

3/16 8AM EDIT: I am slowing my Herbal Consults down. There will be limited appointments this week. My local herbal pharmacy is under a lot of pressure, working too many hours and many of the staff had to be relieved. I am not sure the pharmacy can keep up with the demand and I want them to be safe and healthy and go home to their families too. I do not want to keep adding to their pressure and if we can back off a bit hopefully they can find resources to stay open in a way that is safe for them. If you have important formulas that you’ve already been on, please refill them. I may have to shut down my consults or at least pause them for a bit.

3/16 1:45PM EDIT: Physical doors close end of today. Herbal Consultations are available via phone/video. I wish you all well!

Online Offerings

First and foremost, I would like to gather us. See each other’s faces via video, check-in and talk about how we are doing…and mediate. I will be offering weekly healing circles for this. Please join me Monday March 16 7:15pm EST.

Follow me on Instagram for the most recent updates on my stories.

I will eventually offer some fun workshops like Facial Gua Sha, Qi Gong Practices and Acupressure…BUT right now community comes first. Let’s connect. We should use technology so we can still gather virtually. Please do this among your friends too! We do not know how long it will be before we can hug our best friends and family again but let’s be responsible by staying home so we can get those hugs sooner.

By Emily Grace Siy, L. Ac.


Mourning The Temporary Loss Of Hugs


UPDATE: Precautions and Procedures During The Novel Coronavirus Outbreak