Mourning The Temporary Loss Of Hugs

Hopefully, By Now, You’re Not Just Practicing Social Distancing,

March 17, 2020

But instead you’re practicing quarantine and isolation. At home on your couch watching Netflix, working on jigsaw puzzles, taking online classes or fervently continuing your work remotely. As I settle into my Netflix binges I am nervous how people touch each other so freely on screen. How life was just a few weeks, days, months ago. My clinic is closed temporarily.

Last week, I had a rough time. It was all hitting me very quickly the weeks before and I knew I had to prepare to close down as soon as possible BUT I also knew that I had to finish my work which was getting herbal medicines in the hands of my community. The herbs soon ran out. Everyday felt like a week and I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. Some days I did cry but my work is more than me. During this tough week I was really looking forward to seeing one of my closest friends and thinking about how much I needed a hug from them. If you know me personally, you will know I am not a touchy person. It is just not me. But hugs from my dearest closest friends are important and healing to me. I saw my friend and we could not hug. I saw another friend and we could not hug. This made me hold my breathe. The loss of the hug.

Has it hit you yet? That we will, as a society lose hugging for some time? Has it hit you that you may not get to see many of your friends and loved ones yet in person for a long time? Each day I think of the small things we we won’t get to have for a while. I know that it is ok but I invite you all to take time also be grateful for the losses because they are temporary. I think of the young people -children, teens and college kids and am so sorry they have to put a pause on their beautiful lives of curiosity and discovery.

We Have To Embrace This Change In Order To Keep Each Other Safe And Healthy.

I’ve gotten on the phone with many friends this week. Typically we are wrapped up in our lives and too busy to talk. We meet up when we can, text sometimes and forget to text each other back. But this past week we needed to talk. Check in. Calm each other down. Freak out together. Cry. Ask each other what we should do. Worry about money together. Video calls have been helpful too. Seeing the faces of my friends and knowing that at the end of this we will share hugs because we are staying at home separately together.

I didn’t write this post to bum you all out. I just wanted to bring you closer to a reality that we all need to face and the quicker the better.

I know some of you may not be where I am yet. I was born the year of the horse and it makes me look far ahead into the horizon. I hope you catch up with me soon because I can also see the days where we will get back to our favorite pilates class, brunch with friends, basketball games, Muay Thai classes, the mundane work life that we thought we wouldn’t miss and don’t forget coming in for acupuncture. The sooner we self isolate and take this seriously the sooner we can all engage in all of our normal and now deeply cherished activities again.

To my patients and community members I already miss you immensely.

Meditate every Monday, 5:30pm EDT

Wishing you all love, safety and good health,

Emily Grace Siy, L.Ac.


Loving Kindness Meditation -Do This Right Now!


Closing My Doors March 16 Re: (COVID-19)